The FVA's research work is focussed on the needs of our member companies.
This is ensured by the Advisory Board.

This is where the research and development managers of our member companies come together. With their eye for strategy, market developments and technical expertise, they discuss and evaluate around 100 research proposals per year. Our aim is for our research to be application-orientated and future-oriented. The relevance for our member companies is decisive for the prioritisation of projects.

As a kind of parliament of drive technology research, our largest committee already discussed the megatrend of sustainability from our FVA Trend Radar in 2019/2020 and placed it on the research agenda at an early stage as a strategically paramount topic for the transformation of drive technology.

Specialist advisory boards

Five expert advisory boards for five major subject areas. Topic experts from the field accelerate the research work, create roadmaps and prioritise the research proposals in terms of their benefits for industrial practice. Jointly developed criteria serve as the basis for the Advisory Board's decisions. They thus set the course for the research agenda.

[Translate to English:] FVA e.V.
The FVA advisory boards are guests at Georgsmarienhütte!
E-drive systems
[Translate to English:] istock: Morsa Images